The CarbonNeutral Protocol Index

Step 1: Define

The first step is to clearly define the subject that will be certified CarbonNeutral®. The subject is the entity, product or activity being certified CarbonNeutral® and may be distinct from the client.

Overview of requirements

The subject to which The CarbonNeutral Protocol is being applied must be clearly defined, by name and by description of the relevant legal and/or physical boundaries. The duration of a CarbonNeutral® certification must also be defined with a start and end date applicable to the award of the certification.

The CarbonNeutral® certification to be applied must also be defined and must be compatible with the subject. The definition of the subject and the certification must be recorded by the CarbonNeutral certifier and the information retained for the purpose of auditing.

CarbonNeutral® certifications and their emission sources

To provide consistency across a wide range of possible situations, the Protocol provides for a number of different CarbonNeutral® certifications corresponding to different possible entities, products and activities.

These certifications are grouped into three classes:

Entities: Defined by legal status and spatial boundaries, covering all types of organizations, including companies and public sector bodies. Where this applies to a Group or parent company, all subsidiary companies must be included.

Products: Defined as an article, substance, capital asset or combination of product and service produced, manufactured or refined for the purpose of onward sale. This class includes mass produced goods such as food and equipment; single use and custom built products such as buildings and urban developments; and, products-as-a-service, such as on-demand printing and personal transport.

Activities: Defined by the delivery of utility through a combination of mobile and stationary activities, including traditional transportation services (flights, car journeys, logistics, etc.), information provision such as hosting of data, or professional services, and one-off events that involve a combination of mobile and stationary activities (events, conferences etc.).

Technical Specification 1.1 includes tables, organized by certification class, that specify required and recommended emission sources to be included in a subject’s GHG assessment and CarbonNeutral® certification.

Image: Community Reforestation, Ghana: The project works closely with local farmers some of who are employed by the project and others are able to grow crops, via intercropping, within the reforested area, benefitting from the improved soil conditions.